Monday, October 27, 2008

First Obama and now Palin

Last week Barack Obama came to Roanoke and filled the colliseum. Today, Sarah Palin is pulling into Salem to gather her 20K people at the football stadium.

Is southwestern VA really a hotbed of indecision? We're in the national spotlight for something other than VT football and the April 16th VT massecre. This is fairly unsettling to a number of us because there are these bold divisional political lines being drawn within families both at home and at work. My work family is especially touchy - - we've had some amazing back-and-forths that caused some unnatural upheaval in our usually very cool department.

Through this I learned that my political beliefs are in the minority. I'm fine with that. There is going to be a struggle for either presidential candidate and a fair amount of finger pointing and Monday morning quarterbacking going on.

And me? I'll be in my office chanting or in Downward Facing Dog.

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